
hell0, w0rld!

"fitter, happier, more productive." -radiohead hell0, w0rld! so i don't post regularly... hard to explain WHY exactly except that things keep accelerating and I keep racing to keep up. i fell into web3 during covid and just kept falling. i still do quite a bit of art, but most of it ends up purely digital and... sometimes even as .gifs   
Three.js Sculpture
Three.js Sculpture

How to Create a rorating .glb sculpture in a webGL metaverse envoronment using the three.js library.

 Creating a rotating .glb sculpture using Three.js in a webGL metaverse environment involves several steps. First, make sure you have included the Three.js library in your HTML file. You can use the following script as a starting point: ```html <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head>   <meta charset="UTF-8">   <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">   <title>Three.js Sculpture</title>   <style>     body { margin: 0; }     canvas { display: block; }   </style> </head> <body>   <script type="module">     import * as THREE from '';     import { GLTFLoader } from '';     let camera, scene, renderer;     let sculpture; ...


JavaScript Project: how do I "Create a project directory and navigate to it my terminal"? //code converts kelvin to celsius and then to fahrenheit const kelvin = 293 const celsius = kelvin - 273 ; let fahrenheit = celsius * ( 9 / 5 ) + 32 ; fahrenheit = Math . floor ( fahrenheit ) console . log ( `the temperature is ${ fahrenheit } degrees Fahrenheit.` ); re: json, fetch,

Creating a GLB sculpture in Three.js and embedding it into a WebGL metaverse environment

NOTE:  Creating an interactive 3D .glb sculpture in a metaverse WebGL-based virtual space using the Three.js library requires a more extensive codebase and customization based on your specific 3D model and interaction requirements.  Here I will provide a basic template to help you get started. (You'll need to replace the placeholders with your actual model and interaction code). Creating a GLB sculpture in Three.js and embedding it into a WebGL metaverse environment involves several steps, here's an overview of the process: 1. Set Up Your Development Environment: Ensure you have Node.js* and a text editor (e.g., Visual Studio Code) installed. Create a project directory and navigate to it in your terminal. *?*How do I do that?!: SEE: JavaScript Notes " for a javascript project: how do I Create a project directory and navigate to it my terminal? " 2. Initialize a Project: Run the following commands to set up a basic project structure and install necessary depen...

web3, AI, Avatar, etc. TOOLS for Programming

CodeSandbox Avaturn iframe example - CodeSandbox The online code editor tailored for web applications Avaturn | Realistic avatar creator MAKE HUMAN Easily display interactive 3D models on the web & in AR <!-- Import the component --> < script type = " module " src = " " > </ script > <!-- Use it like any other HTML element -->   < model-viewer alt = " Neil Armstrong's Spacesuit from the Smithsonian Digitization Programs Office and National Air and Space Museum " src = " shared-assets/models/NeilArmstrong.glb " ar environment-image = " shared-assets/environments/moon_1k.hdr " poster = " shared-assets/models/NeilArmstrong.webp " shadow-intensity = " 1 " camera-controls touch-action...